September 2017

Finished welding works at the Tallinn Zoo
XMETALL finished welding works at the Tallinn Zoo. We installed the new zinc-coated blocks which are divided into sectors were the polar bears will reside. We also installed sliding doors, which are strong enough to take on a bear....
September 1, 2017
March 2017

XMETALL moved to new location
XMETALL moved to new location that needed fixing up. We installed a runway for the crane through the entire factory and in order to install the door, we had to cut a 4x5m hole in the wall. We also...
March 1, 2017
October 2016

Constructed a laboratory for Cambrex
XMETALL constructed a laboratory for Cambrex. We constructed new rooms, room sections, floors, floor support constructions. We installed rails and rooms with reactors. Cambrex is a company active in medicine development and many of their products help with a...
October 1, 2016
December 2015

Constructed a facility in Narva
XMETALL constructed a facility in Narva from metal constructions meant for the seamen centre. We installed nearly 200 m of continuous stainless-steel rails, 2 large staircases and one spiral stairway, at the same time also several other metal constructions...
December 31, 2015
July 2015

Constructed a metal frame for Estonia’s largest hotel
XMETALL constructed a metal frame for Estonia’s largest hotel located at the heart of Tallinn, measuring 55 meters in height and extending to both sides of the building. The old frame was aged and rusty, and it was also...
July 1, 2015